The Parents and Citizen's Association is an important part of the Gordon Primary School Community. Every parent/carer of a Gordon Primary School student is automatically a member of the P&C and have the opportunity to have an input into the events that occur at the school. You don't need to take on a formal committee role on the P&C to attend meetings, to have a say and to be involved. Some of the benefits of being involved with the P&C include meeting other parents and carers of Gordon Primary School students, understanding more about what is happening at school, the opportunity to voice your opinion about school matters and contribute to the many fun fundraising activities held throughout the year.

The objectives of the P&C are:

  • to promote the interests of the School by encouraging the close collaboration of parents/carers, students and staff;
  • to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas relating to the function, policies and management of the School;
  • to provide a means by which parents can raise and discuss matters of general concern and interest;
  • to create an environment that encourages close friendships and social support for all members; and
  • to provide financial support to the School to assist with the provision of equipment for educational, recreational and sporting use.

The P&C works closely with the school to run exciting and fun activities for the community each year. These include the Welcome BBQ, Easter raffle, Mother’s Day raffle and stall, Winter disco, Walkathon, Father’s day raffle and stall, Colour Explosion, Halloween disco, Election Day Markets and BBQ in election years, Mango fundraiser, cookie dough fundraiser and the Christmas concert BBQ and raffle.

The P&C are also responsible for coordinating school banking and the school uniform shop, which is managed and run entirely by volunteers. The P&C are also responsible for the school canteen and employ two Canteen Managers. We are very proud to have one of the few school canteens in Canberra that offer recess and lunch orders and counter sales 5 days per week.

P&C Meetings are held in the staffroom once per month from 7:30pm. If you are interested in joining our P&C, please send an email to